The Little Room Up Front

We moved nearly three months ago. It’s no secret that moving is tough. It’s expensive, it’s physically taxing and it’s a really emotional thing to do. I have joked a few times that the next time I move, it is going to be feet first!

What was a little tougher about this move was that I didn’t have any time off work to get settled. On top of that, every weekend for the first 7 weeks was crammed with plans. We did our best to empty boxes and place things where we thought we’d like them. We purged some things and bought new things for other areas and eventually it really came together. There was one room left untouched though and that was my little haven. My sanctuary for reading a book, drinking tea, snuggling Levi, doing some yoga stretches or creating something. I couldn’t envision what I wanted it to look like. I felt like it was some sorry consolation prize for having moved to the middle of nowhere. As we finished up with the rest of the house extra odds and ends were getting dumped into my little room up front and I knew where that was heading. If I didn’t get off my ass and start figuring the space out it would soon become the catch-all for everyone’s junk that they just couldn’t pull the trigger on getting rid of. So, I just did it. I finished painting the desk I spoke about in a previous post. I purchased a couch, I hung some pictures and I sorted through the last four boxes that I had been avoiding. I didn’t want the tour down memory lane and I didn’t want to have to decide whether to throw away this stuff or find a spot for it. It turns out I was able to donate most of and it felt really good to get it out of my space. I am only having things in there that I love and that serve me well.

It’s pretty much done now. I just have two more pictures to hang that were paintings my Granny did many moons ago. I would also like a funky chair of some sort for my desk (I will know it when I see) and I think a nice plaid blanket would be just right. Apart from that, it’s darn near perfect. I feel really lucky to have this little place! On the walls you will find art that I love. On the window sill you will find a little pottery bowl holding my favourite beach glass, a vintage covered bowl, my crystals, a little lucky Buddha and a singing bowl. I’ve got room to do yoga, room to do art (and even a blog post once in a while!), a comfy couch for cuddles and reading and I’m surrounded with stuff I love. I will say that it was worth the wait! Levi is always welcome in there and once in a while, I will even let other humans in too!room 1room 4room 5room 7room 2room 6